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--南方医科大学皮肤病医院(广东省皮肤病医院) 发布时间:2023/6/26    【访问量:9224】 --

南方医科大学皮肤病医院院长,国务院特殊津贴专家,博导,博士后合作导师,美国北卡罗莱纳大学客座教授,广东粤港皮肤科学研究联合实验室主任,国家药监局化妆品安全性评价重点实验室副主任。从事皮肤病临床、教学、科研多年,曾在英国伦敦大学及美国华盛顿大学深造,临床及科研工作经验丰富。近年来带领团队重点聚焦增生性瘢痕与皮肤再生修复中的成纤维细胞调控,皮肤类器官疾病模型建立以及梅毒潜伏感染免疫逃逸机制研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金国合重点项目、面上项目、NIH国际合作项目及省自然科学基金13项,作为主要完成人先后获省科学技术进步奖3项,实用新型专利4项,主编及参编著作12部。以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文130余篇,SCI收录90余篇,其中部分研究成果发表在Nature Communications、Protein Cell、JAMA Dermatology 、JAAD、JAC、JID等高水平专业期刊上。目前已培养博士生9名,硕士生30余名,博士后7名,先后荣获“广东省医学领军人才”“全国先进工作者”、“全国优秀中青年医师”、“第二届广东医师”、“广东优秀院长”等称号

1. Deng CC, Hu YF, Zhu DH, Cheng Q, Gu JJ, Feng QL, et al. Single-cell RNA-seq reveals fibroblast heterogeneity and increased mesenchymal fibroblasts in human fibrotic skin diseases. Nature communications. 2021;12(1):3709.
2. Wang C, Ong JJ, Zhao P, Weideman AM, Tang W, Smith MK, et al. Expanding syphilis test uptake using rapid dual self-testing for syphilis and HIV among men who have sex with men in China: A multiarm randomized controlled trial. PLoS medicine. 2022;19(3):e1003930.
3. Chen W, Luo H, Zeng L, Pan Y, Parr JB, Jiang Y, et al. A suite of PCR-LwCas13a assays for detection and genotyping of Treponema pallidum in clinical samples. Nature communications. 2022;13(1):4671.
4. Han GM, Yang WS, Yang B. Inhibition of Progression of Acrodermatitis Continua of Hallopeau With Baricitinib. JAMA dermatology. 2021;157(4):466-8.
5. Wu H, Yin H, Chen H, Sun M, Liu X, Yu Y, et al. A deep learning-based smartphone platform for cutaneous lupus erythematosus classification assistance: Simplifying the diagnosis of complicated diseases. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2021;85(3):792-3.
6. Cheng J, Lin Y, Xu L, Chen K, Li Q, Xu K, et al. ViRBase v3.0: a virus and host ncRNA-associated interaction repository with increased coverage and annotation. Nucleic acids research. 2022;50(D1):D928-d33.
7. Gu JJ, Deng CC, Feng QL, Liu J, Zhu DH, Cheng Q, et al. Relief of Extracellular Matrix Deposition Repression by Downregulation of IRF1-Mediated TWEAK/Fn14 Signaling in Keloids. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 2023.
8. Deng CC, Zhang LX, Xu XY, Zhu DH, Cheng Q, Ma S, et al. Risk single-nucleotide polymorphism-mediated enhancer-promoter interaction drives keloids through long noncoding RNA down expressed in keloids. The British journal of dermatology. 2023;188(1):84-93.
9. Liu J, Chen J, Zhong Y, Yu X, Lu P, Feng J, et al. OSMRβ mutants enhance basal keratinocyte differentiation via inactivation of the STAT5/KLF7 axis in PLCA patients. Protein & cell. 2021;12(8):653-61.
10. Yang F, Zhang TP, Tang W, Ong JJ, Alexander M, Forastiere L, et al. Pay-it-forward gonorrhoea and chlamydia testing among men who have sex with men in China: a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Infectious diseases. 2020;20(8):976-82.
11. Zhong Y, Chen Y, Huang L, Wang H, Yan T, Yang B, et al. Lightening Becker nevus with topical glycolic acid. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2019;80(1):e3.
12. Huang T, Yang J, Zhang J, Ke W, Zou F, Wan C, et al. MicroRNA-101-3p Downregulates TLR2 Expression, Leading to Reduction in Cytokine Production by Treponema pallidum-Stimulated Macrophages. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 2020;140(8):1566-75.e1.
13. Wang C, Cheng W, Li C, Tang W, Ong JJ, Smith MK, et al. Syphilis Self-testing: A Nationwide Pragmatic Study Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in China. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 2020;70(10):2178-86.
14. Liang Y, Yu B, Chen J, Wu H, Xu Y, Yang B, et al. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin epigenetically upregulates Fc receptor γ subunit-related receptors on antigen-presenting cells and induces T(H)2/T(H)17 polarization through dectin-2. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology. 2019;144(4):1025-35.e7.
15. Deng CC, Zhu DH, Chen YJ, Huang TY, Peng Y, Liu SY, et al. TRAF4 Promotes Fibroblast Proliferation in Keloids by Destabilizing p53 via Interacting with the Deubiquitinase USP10. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 2019;139(9):1925-35.e5.

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